The Life of the better offer.
About twenty years ago, a good friend of mine instilled this principle in me and to this day, it continues to have an impact. Imagine this. You haven’t really connected with your wife or child in a while so you finally set a date to have a nice dinner out and see a movie a week from this Friday night. The very next day, you bump into an old friend at Starbuck’s and he mentions that he happens to have a spare ticket to watch the Warriors in a home play-off game. What do you do?
This is the moment of truth. Do you bail on your previous plans and go to the game or do you stick to your commitment? No brainer! Are you kidding? I’m going to the game! But, wait…..
Going to the game seems like the obvious choice and it’d be so easy to work it out however do we ever stop and count the cost of these decisions? Is it possible we are leaving a wake of hurt or disappointment behind us when we make these momentary rationalizations to choose “the life of the better offer”?
I would suggest there is a bigger story being written in moments like these. I’ve learned this the hard way and maybe you have as well. For most of us, when we “plead our case” about the “amazing opportunity that just came up”, our wives or kids will be understanding and let us go and have fun, however being a real man is learning how to say no to things when it’s not always convenient or fun. Being a real husband, father or friend is about honoring the people we’ve committed to above anything or anyone else who may come along with a “better offer”.
Let’s be men who our wives, kids and friends could count on when we say yes or no to something. Remember, they are watching us closely and we are leaving “breadcrumbs” along the way. These little deviations subtlety convey messages such as “you’re not as important as….” or “I’m sure you’ll understand if…” or “you’re not as valuable as…”
Side note; I can say this now that I am close to being an empty nester. There isn’t any such thing as a “better offer” when it comes to an opportunity to spend time with my kids. I know many of you can relate. Our time with them before they head out into the big world feels as brief as fog on a mirror and I’ll jump at any moment to spend time with them. Yep, even over a Warriors game;)
Verses to consider:
Matthew 5:37 – “Let your yes be yes and you no be no…”
Deuteronomy 23:23 – “Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the Lord your God with your own mouth.”
Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Let’s go get it!