And then there's me...
Have you ever met someone who inspires you so much that, after spending time with them, you feel like you should reevaluate your own life in light of who they are or what they’re doing? I am fortunate enough to know several folks who fit this mold. These are people who seem to have a certain special “favor” or “calling” on their lives. They do meaningful things with their time, talents and treasure and they also seem to have a consistent track record of success in a given area. These people can either become mentors or menaces in our lives. They can become an object of jealousy and envy or a model of transformative inspiration.
I have certain friends who are doing things on a daily basis such as fighting to free women and children from sex trafficking to helping the “forgotten people” in the slums of Kenya to serving the hungry and addicted on the streets of the Tenderloin in SF, to building homes for the poorest of the poor in Mexico and so on… As I’ve observed these folks over a period of time I’ve been able to identify a consistent thread. All of them seem to face significant challenges along the way yet they are all resolve in their purpose or mission and they all seem to be experiencing authentic joy and satisfaction from what they are giving their lives to, despite the setbacks.
And then there’s me. I think the key difference between them and me is that they have somehow figured out their true purpose in life. I’m learning there is a difference between purpose and passion and the two can very easily become confused. I have a passion for sex, mountain biking, amazing food, travel, and so on… but if I take the cliché, collective advice of others to “just follow my passions”, I know I will end up craving more as these things, amazing as they are, will ultimately come up short if my passions are not fueled by my purpose.
Thankfully, each of us has a very unique and personal purpose to fulfill. What is your purpose? This question has haunted me at times. I find myself envious of people who know with conviction that their purpose is “x”. Whether or not you’re a fan of Rick Warren, it’s hard to argue with the premise of his book, The Purpose Driven Life, as at least a starting point to defining or “refining” your purpose here on earth. Mr. Warren’s broad stroke proposition about our purpose as humans can be summed up as this; it’s not about you! You are here to love and serve God and others.
Profound yet simple words and also not always so easy to pull off. I can speak volumes to the topic of selfishness. I’ve got this trait mastered. However, when I reflect back on those living out their true purpose, it’s clear to me that each of them is outwardly focused and other-minded. I’ve decided I shouldn’t ignore this if I really want to grow and if I’m serious about embracing my purpose for whatever time I’ve got left here on earth.
I love this nugget of wisdom found in Luke 9:24 –“If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”
Let’s go get it!