The only way to it is through it.
It always bothers me when people say, “Well, there’s nothing you can do. It was meant to be.” Or “Don’t worry, it’ll all be alright.” Um, no, actually life doesn’t always work that way. Things aren’t always meant to be and not everything always work out alright.” Life happens and sure God may orchestrate things in, through or around us however there is no secret formula or mathematical equation that says, “If you do these good things, then these other good things will happen to/for you.” That said, as I write this, I’m reminded of a very popular verse in Romans 8:28 which reads, “And we know, that God causes all things to work for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” For anyone interested in context, these words were written by the Apostle Paul, who was literally suffering for Christ’s sake, so he does have some street cred and first hand reliability to say something so bombast.
Has there ever been a time in your life that you’ve literally had no other choice than to have to go through something emotionally difficult, physically painful or relationally long-suffering, and with no guarantee that once you did it, everything was going to be alright?
Maybe you’ve had to break up with someone, admit to something awful you’ve done, endure a medical procedure, say a final farewell to a loved one, etc.. Sometimes, there is just no easy way to get past something like this but we must go through it to get to the “other side”.
For the past several months, I’ve had a suspicious spot on my nose. It was an irregular brownish area near the tip that would flake and occasionally bleed and not heal well. I finally had it biopsied, only to discover a couple of weeks ago that I have tested positive for basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer). My doctor is recommending surgery. The good news is that they are highly confident they can remove all of the cancer. The bad news is that it will be a slightly disfiguring outcome for me due to the size and location of the affected area. Obviously not something I want to deal with and even though this is a “curable” cancer, it’s still dreadful to here the “C” word associated with your own name. Ugh.
In Luke 22:42, as Jesus’ impending torturous crucifixion and death draws nigh, he prays, "Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine."
Let me be clear, I’m not trying to equate my issue with what Jesus was dealing with in any way. I am simply reminded of what He was faced with and it helps bring perspective to my situation. Of course, the Father loved his son but it was not his will to take the cup from him because He knew better. He saw beyond the temporal. He knew the price tag was high but he also knew the sacrifice would be worth it in the end. We will all have a “cup of suffering” at some point in our lives. Heck, we may have several along the way but I think God can use these “low” moments to drive us to our knees, humble us in a sense to earnestly seek Him with an intensity that we may not have when everything is going smoothly. Have you ever noticed that your prayer life diminishes in good times and ramps up when it’s all hitting the fan? Maybe that’s just my story;)
I don’t know what you’re going through right now. You may be in the best place of your life or you may really be struggling through something more difficult than you could have ever imagined. Either way, may I encourage you? This moment right now, as you read this post, is a moment in time that you have been given. You are not promised the next hour, the next day, the next week or the next year. So, no matter if you are flying high or dodging potholes, remember that you still need God. You’re not as self-sufficient as you think you are. Consider humbly acknowledging and giving thanks to your Maker and ultimate Provider and remember that He can make ALL things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Let's go get it!